In the context of thermal renovation, we often think of insulating attics, walls or windows, but we often forget about hot water pipes. However, insulating this part of the house saves money and protects the environment.

What is insulation?

Insulating the pipes is part of the energy renovation work and means insulating the hot water pipes to prevent heat loss. When water comes out of a boiler, it is generally at a temperature of 55°C and circulates through the pipes to the point of arrival (tap or heating). But if the pipes have to travel a long way and pass through cold rooms, the water can lose up to 10°C when it reaches the outlet point. This heat loss results in higher water consumption. Heat insulation saves water costs and energy. The necessary work can take from a few hours to a few days depending on the space configuration. Such an operation is possible in single-family dwellings but also in condominiums and industrial buildings.

Financial and ecological savings

In contrast to more extensive energy renovation work such as insulating attics, changing windows or insulating walls, insulating pipes requires little material and labour. Thanks to the maintenance of the heat in the pipes, the savings are quickly reflected in the electricity bill. Depending on the building, the savings can amount to several thousand euros. Within the framework of the Energy Transition for Green Growth Act, this work can be completely free of charge in certain situations, making it extremely profitable in the short term. Be careful, however, contact specialised organisations before starting the work. You must call upon RGE craftsmen to carry out the operation. Reducing hot water consumption is also beneficial for the environment. A boiler that operates less also emits less energy and fewer greenhouse gases. However, it is recommended that the boiler be completely changed for better results. This work can also benefit from financial aid from the State and other bodies, provided that a certain thermal performance is respected.

How is the work carried out?

Before starting the work, remember to contact specialised organisations to benefit from aid. Once an inventory of fixtures has been carried out, the company can carry out the work and no vote at the general meeting is necessary. The operation consists of surrounding the pipes with insulating sleeves to prevent heat loss. Different materials can be used depending on the needs: glass wool, phenolic foam, cork, cellular glass or polystyrene. Once the insulation is in place, the sleeves are surrounded by a PVC protection to make the whole thing more aesthetic. The work can be done in just a few hours by a single craftsman in an individual dwelling, but the needs are often greater in collective buildings. Do not hesitate to ask for several estimates before starting the work. Once the insulation work is completed, you can see immediate effects on living comfort and a lower bill a few months later.