To make substantial energy savings, you must insulate the house properly and attic insulation appears to be the most effective solution. But how do you go about it and how do you reduce the overall budget for the work?
What are the savings with insulation?
When you insulate the attic of your house, you prevent about 30% of the heat from escaping through the roof. This is where the majority of energy losses take place and poorly insulated attics are a real energy sieve.
On average, households save about 20% on their energy bill after having their attic insulation done by qualified craftsmen. This saving can represent several tens of euros per year. The savings are all the greater as it is also possible to finance the work with state aid, making insulation one of the most profitable operations in the home.
Is the work paid for?
Roof insulation can be covered by financial aid provided that certain efficiency criteria are met. And to meet these criteria, you must absolutely call on an RGE craftsman. This label certifies that the company carrying out the work knows the techniques that ensure efficient insulation of your home.
There are many ways of financing your work: tax benefits, energy allowance, ANAH grants, etc. The tax benefits are valid for all households, regardless of their tax status, and the energy allowance can be applied for by everyone, even if the method of payment differs depending on the energy supplier you use. However, ANAH grants are subject to an income ceiling that changes according to the region in which you live (Ile de France or the rest of France) and the composition of your household. If you are entitled to it, however, you will have to meet certain conditions after the work has been carried out.
How to insulate the attic?
There are different techniques for insulating attics and they depend mainly on the access to your room and your willingness to create a new area under the roof. If you have a lost attic with a truss structure that is difficult to access, insulation by blowing is almost obligatory. It is the cheapest of all methods and although it is very effective, it definitively blocks access to your attic. If you still want to be able to move around, ask for insulation in the crawl space.
In the presence of converted attic space and if you wish to create a new room, pay particular attention to the insulation. Insulation from the inside is desirable if your budget is very limited, but sarking is probably the method that allows you to keep the most charm to the building even if it is the most expensive insulation.