Everyone wants to save energy, whether it is to reduce their budget or to protect the environment. And the good news is that everyone can! With two major advantages: save money on your bills and go greener. As is often the case, taking care of the planet means spending less. When there is spending, it's about investing. But there are simple gestures that will cost you nothing and will already save you money. The easiest way to get started is to follow the three pillars of energy conservation: sobriety, efficiency and renewable energy.

Look for efficiency

The first step to saving energy is the search for efficiency. This has two aspects:

1- Insulating old buildings

For new buildings, urban planning rules require efficient construction. A PEB audit is compulsory when building. It is essential to insulate old buildings as much as possible: roof, attic and windows,

2- Choosing energy-efficient appliances

To do this, you will need to think about regular maintenance of your equipment. Maintaining your heating equipment properly already saves 8 to 12% of energy! If you have to change your equipment because it is broken or because it is ageing and consumes too much; you can turn to sober equipment; the energy class of the appliance will help you find your way around. But it is not only heating appliances that can be sober! All electrical appliances are now classified according to their consumption. You can also opt for low-energy light bulbs such as LEDs. Finally, to optimise the energy efficiency of your home, an important element is the thermal insulation/airtightness duo. You can start by caulking your doors and windows. It's very simple, inexpensive and saves a lot of money. Then, it all depends on your home. Do you need to replace the windows with double glazing? Change an entrance door that lets in too much air? Re-insulate the roof? It is an investment, certainly, but one that will quickly pay for itself.

Start with sobriety

Sobriety is the second step towards saving energy. It is therefore a matter of moderating consumption. You can start by avoiding energy waste. For example by not overheating your home (18° in living rooms, 16° in bedrooms and 22° in the bathroom are enough), by taking shorter showers, by putting a lid on the dishes you heat. You can also turn off your Internet box at night, turn off your appliances instead of leaving them on standby, and unplug small appliances such as microwaves when you are not using them. Also remember to unplug your chargers when the device is recharged. Because even when your phone or other device is no longer plugged in at the end, the charger continues to consume! These are simple habits that can lead to real savings. It is these eco-friendly habits that will allow you to become an eco-citizen. And lower your electricity bill!

Opt for renewable energy

The last pillar of energy saving is quite obvious: opting for renewable energy. Obviously, an initiative at national level is needed to increase the production of renewable energy in the territory. But everyone can also do their part. If your home allows it, you can consider installing solar panels or a small wind turbine. This is certainly an investment, but you will certainly be able to benefit from energy subsidies or bonuses. Otherwise, a gesture that is possible for everyone is to change your energy supplier! There is now no shortage of green electricity suppliers and the procedures are very simple.